
Surya is a line of clean, premier, natural, and highly-effective skincare and lifestyle products that innovate upon the timeless tradition of Ayurveda. Created by Martha Soffer, Ayurvedic master and founder of Surya’s award-winning wellness center, Surya’s customized oils, creams, and soaks, sustainably produced, result in transformative well-being and long-lasting beauty. Wondering where to start, and which products to use? Ayurveda helps our skin by balancing our elemental doshas: calming our windy Vata dosha when we have dry skin, or cooling our fiery Pitta dosha when our skin is irritated, or energizing our earth/water Kapha dosha when our skin is dull. By assessing your skin’s current imbalances, you can easily determine which products best suit your skin’s variable needs: CALMING Use Surya products labeled CALMING (Vata balancing) if you have dry or damaged skin, and need to moisturize, nourish, and refresh. COOLING Use products labeled COOLING (Pitta balancing) if your skin is irritated or inflamed, and you need to reduce swelling, puffiness, and find soothing relief. ENERGIZING Use products labeled ENERGIZING (Kapha balancing) if you struggle with oily, congested skin, and need to purify, clarify, and brighten. BALANCING Use products labeled BALANCING (Tridoshic — Vata/Pitta/Kapha — balancing ) to cover all your skin’s needs, and to enhance and maximize your well-being and beauty. You and your skin will always benefit from products labeled BALANCING. “All our botanically rich and super effective skincare products have have been researched and developed at our award-winning wellness center over the last 25 years, literally on thousands of clients and guests who all got to experience and participate in the evolution of Surya’s transformative skincare, which in itself stems from Ayurveda’s clinically proven and timeless tradition!” “With roots in ancient Indian culture, Ayurveda is an amazing wellness system that encompasses yoga, mediation, herbs, oils and treatments — for transformative well-being and beauty. And Ayurveda is so good for our skin! When we balance our elemental doshas — calming our windy Vata when our skin’s dry, cooling our fiery Pitta when our skin’s irritated, or energizing our earth/water Kapha for a little brightening when our skin feels dull — we feel and look great. We’re all a unique combination of these doshas, but in our day-to-day, any one of them can get out of balance — like when there’s just too much going on and we feel scattered, or we feel sluggish, or when get overheated mentally or physically. That imbalance shows up in our body, our mind, our emotions, and we definitely can see it on our skin! At Surya’s wellness center, for over 25 years and with many thousands of clients, we help guests get back in balance with 1 day treatments or 28 day retreats, and, with our skincare and lifestyle products, we make sure everyone has a set of tools to balance themselves and get their glow going, so they feel great and look great. That’s my mission — and that’s the magic of Ayurveda!”
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