Mark D. Sikes, interior designer and blogger
Mark D. Sikes
Mark D. Sikes
If you love it, buy it. You’ll find a place for it. When you’re creating not a house but a home, you have to be in love with the things that are in there.

I don’t believe in dont’s. Style and taste is super subjective. Who is to say what is right or wrong? I’m always happily surprised to see something I wouldn’t think would work end up working.

The most important room in the house is where you spend most of your time.

I’m self-taught, so I’m always educating myself by looking, observing, reading and traveling—it’s a huge part of who I am.

I have a partner in life and in businesses, Michael Griffin.  We’ve been together 15 years, I’ve known him 20.

I have a French bulldog named Lily. She was sick as a young dog, with breathing issues and vertebrae issues, but we loved her and took care of her. She is super special.

We used to make a pilgrimage to St. Barts every year. This September we are going on safari which I’m super excited. We have been planning it for a long time.
Doheny Mansion in Beverly Hills
Beautiful: All-American Decorating and Timeless Style by Mark D. Sikes
I got a degree in finance, but then quickly realized it wasn’t the world I was meant to be in. I’ve always been a naturally creative person, reading and absorbing as much information as possible.

I started out as a greeter in the Banana Republic store in Nashville and worked my way up to corporate to be head of styling, marketing and visual merchandizing. 

I’ve always loved the same things—always. As a child I remember driving with my grandparents in their town and we would stop the car just to look at the white houses and the big green lawns.

Street fashion is kind of crazy. There are some trends that are beautiful and timeless and some that are absolutely hideous.

A well-designed home should reflect the person that lives there.

I have a philosophy about antiques: everyone should have at least three pieces. They add a patina and a story.
Mark D. Sikes
Vogue, shelter
That classic American quality is about a mix. A little French, a little Asian, just a mix of things…I think when you put all that stuff together it somehow feels American.

Social media has caused a lot of grand "styling-for-attention". Sometimes, the very simple things get lost because of everything that goes on now.

The Everything Top started as a belt. We were trying to create a sash that you could double wrap as a big bow when you’re styling, then all of a sudden it was crisscrossed around someone’s neck and we have this amazing thing! I love the versatility of it.

My book with Rizzoli features a mix of fashion, people and interiors—each chapter has its own color story, which I thought was a fun and unusual way of putting a book together.

My two favorite colors are blue and green. It’s about nature—the blue sky and the green of the trees and the grass.

I am obsessed with magazines, I’ve collected them as long as I can remember. I have every single issue of Vogue since 1993 and all the Shelter magazines, which are probably my most prized possessions.
Mark D. Sikes
Here, he shares memories, rules of style, favorite things and more.